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MD Codes Look Advanced: Episode 1 - 4th Edition (8 March 2024)


In this program, Dr. de Maio will demonstrate the treatment of a 47-year-old female patient with eye bags, bone retrusion, lateral and inferior scleral show, and volume loss in the temporal and lateral orbital areas. Besides that, Dr. de Maio will present 3 ADVANCED codes of the periorbital area: Eyebrow (E1, E2, E3), Forehead (F1, F2, F3), and Glabella (G1, G2) in the second part of this webinar.

Register now to guarantee your spot!

✅ Course content:

- MD Codes advanced codes (E, F and G)

- The MD Codes Look – Technical challenges

- Aging of the periorbital region

- Strategic planning with active numbers

- Case studies presentation and discussion

- Live interaction with Dr. Maurício de Maio

- Q&A session

- Course Language: English

✅ General information:

📆Date: March 8th, 2024

🕘Time: 10:00 am Brazilian

* Check the time in your region

* Webinar with a limited number of participants

📍 Investment of $350 american dollars

📄 Certificate of participation

⌛ Duration: 90’ Webinar + 30’ Q&A

👩🏾‍💻👨🏻‍💻Webinar Platform: Zoom Register Now:

📞 WhatsApp: +55 11 94913-6254


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